Thursday, October 07, 2004

Elfriede Jelinek Homepage

Our founding fathers took examples from Ancient Greek's Democratic society but ignored that fact that Ancient Greek is an openly gay society. Our founding father's Puritanism causes them to over look this major fact. Now this whole issue of same sex marriage and morality is being question. The Ancient Greek society believed heavily in Ethics and Morality. Aristotle defined Ethics. The problem is that marriage is a church institution and it is also a state institution. It very difficult to have separation of church and state in this matter. Most laws are deriving to protect the moral majority. We as a society determine what is moral and legal. It’s interesting that as a society we have not evolved rather we have regressed. The Ancient Greeks were a functioning society of free sexual unions. We still up hold the words that our founding fathers wrote long ago. Some have said that the decline of Roman and Ancient Greek civilization was due to the gay life style. The problem is in a Democratic society where the people make up their own choice and are allow pursuing their happiness the conservatives still bring up the words of our founding father. We see and borrow heavily from the Ancient Greek's model of Democracy but choose to ignore that it was an openly gay society. We choose to ignore a major facet of the Democracy, the Republic. The state should not have a say in people's private affairs. It does for economy reasons. Because marriage is both a religious and state affair it is difficult to sort through. The constitution says we are allow the pursuit of happiness but it also says that this happiness is defined by the says that this happiness is one man and one woman at the scared blessed union. We know that homosexuality has been around for ages, even in the ancient Greece. It was in this puritanical state that is viewed as abnormal. Even the early Christianities who were up rising against the Romans saw this perversion and rebel against it. Perhaps this was why they fought the Romans and the Greeks because of the homosexuality....

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