Do you like drunken noodles?
It’s my favorite right now…I could eat so much of it. Oh there was so much carnage in unreal tournament. Jeff had four or five powerful computers hooked up. Mark brought over is hard drive, monitor and the works. I was on Jeff’s Sony laptop which kicks.
I like mining for crystals and refining the land for resources to build my empire on Star Craft. But watch out for the larva Zergs. Kill or bee killed. We stay until five in the morning.
Ahh that was back in the good old days. I didn't have the opportunity play WarCraft with the guys. I got the WC after the gaming group disbanded. I play it for a while and it's very addictive. Now warcraftunderground.com has an amazing newsletters with tips and tricks. My favorite is that you can have a MySpace layout! Woot! I can get improvements on my game! Pull all nighters playing in the game group.