Saturday, September 20, 2003

Pursuing the 17th-Century Origins of the Hacker's Grail
just woke

Friday, September 19, 2003

we are going to watch bruce campbell's movie in cinema 21.
I'm catching the bus downtown then on 6th and Salmon ride to NW 21.

I got the uncut negatives back from camera world. becky's nudes look great. this is the first time I shoot in a studio with artificial professional studio light. the slides came out very nice.
Yahoo! News - 'Pristine' Amazon Hosted Large Cities, Study Finds


Thursday, September 18, 2003

Where is Raed ?
I'm listening to Salam Pax on fresh air right now.
you seem very happy with the bottle
oh my god i'm in a tizzy on friendsters!!
at the blue ball i saw fire dancers...
fan fires pot fires marshmellow on fire and then eaten by the dancers. there is a python and a girl and a theater of sacrifice. she squeezed a doll and it squirted katchup.
space hairs wigs...mostly blue
tents plumbs hung from rafters....grapes in bunches on a string.

so far in two days of friendster...i've ten thousand people with just two friends. one is my brother and the other one i friend i meet on line.

Monday, September 15, 2003

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