Saturday, October 04, 2003 Consumer Action: Buying Private Health Insurance

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

My encounters with magic

My encounters with magic. When I was born, Mother had the fortuneteller write my fate in a raggedy red book. She kept it awhile in a tin box along with the money. The smell of old money and ink, and tin, and the cold ness of the metal, the weight of it.... that was my fortune's rest. I wore red cloth triangle amulets, my walls where protected with diagrams of tiger. We believed that the somnolent body retired, but the nocturnal soul wondered as mythical beings, tigers to do combats. "pilgrimage....escape my mention.."Michael Stipe. When we were stranded on an island, we consulted the oracle; he used cards as a means of divination. Or how about the time when I crossed the ferry on Vancouver BC, and saw a whale? I bought a book on Magic.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


Monday, September 29, 2003

lexly87's Xanga Site

xanga about reading experiences
interpol crystal ball room set
say hello to angels

later obstacle I

Sunday, September 28, 2003

i got the cd befriended finally
oh my what a religious experience i'm having this beautiful sunday noon. the sun is out and it's cool and i remember the easter concert of TIM and emylou harris!!

we drink hennessy from the metal tea pot at sam ho.
we are celebrating kelly's birthday.
the crab arrives, and some squash.

tina comes back from the milwaukie farm market with fresh corns, and tomatoes.

at the delecja, i had a beautiful salad with peeled tomatoes.

it is sunday morning, a beautiful morning, and i'm listening to befriends.

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