It’s been an uneventful morning until I open up my gmail on this fine Friday. Thank you Tari (and the fine folks at Epica) for your Generousity!! Some times I feel like a monk with an alm bowl extended asking for samples of luxuries. I’ve asked Epica to sample one of their fine fine journals and I’m excited to report that Tari has agreed to let me have one of the journal to review. I look forward to having the journal to sample and write about it here. It’s an adventure. Sometimes we are affraid to ask for what we want in life. I am terrified of rejections. But I think that now I must earn it through hard work.
I came across this bit of about the Benedictine libraries and their use that I wanted to share.
The vow of poverty forbade individual monks from owning books (Christ, 19)
The use of the library by monks and nuns was regulated by Benedictine Rule, which permitted only one borrowing per year, at the beginning of Lent. Otherwise, books were distributed each morning and returned each evening (Christ, 45)
The librarian was a well-educated monk who reported directly to the abbot (Christ, 27)
The installation of a libraian was a festive religious rite (Christ, 19)