The crickets are loud. I hide the box next to my head in bed. I bring with me a flash light and sneak a peak into the paper hotel. I carefully open the lid and watch them move. The lid is full of holes and I shine the light as though I’m the stars. I imagine myself inside that box looking out into the starry sky. The creator has trapped us on earth like this box of cricket and has shined a light upon us...only we see a starry sky.
I’m terrified that the cricket will have escaped and crawl up the legs of my pants.
We are trapped like that cricket in cages being transported from one city to the next. And if we are lucky, some one will adopt us just like some kid will buy a cricket from the large cage from the man and then put him into a match box. We go from home to home, suburb to suburb, city to city, country to country.
I saw myself in the crickets. Bad karma has caught up with me. My necks will be broken and mounted on a stick by pirates of the seas.