Friday, February 02, 2007


carnegiehall in an effort to attract younger hip crowds invites alternative folk song artist like Banheart. I was in Hungary, I missed a chance to see Prague. I skim and skip around Kafka's diary.

One of the diary prompts from TJ4 asks what makes you happy today?
One of my post is featured on:

What made me happy yesterday? Armand from Notebookism invited me to be featured on Notebookism. I also got a $20 coupon for diner at a fancy restaurant.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Windflower combines Capolan, TFR

There are the elements: earth Sirocco, Wind- Zephyr, Water Mr. Ham

The characters represent the elements.

What about the drawing paintings at the bottom of each page? One almost don’t need a bookmarker because, the images trigger the words, it acts as it’s own bookmarker. But there is no coralation between the image and the images on that page. It is only after you read the description and imagine it in your head that a few pages later it shows up. The image doesn’t dictate your imaginat ion.

I came to the Retro Traveler through the, which also has a group on Flickr. The Retro Traveler uses Journals to keep track of his travels. He uses the pocket hard paper and soft paper plain collects postal stamps from the different countries that he has been to.

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